Grazing Trio - Painting Horses

"Grazing Trio"  6 x 12  oil on canvas panel  $100

Up for auction with a buy it now option!
Click Here to see auction.

Well, Happy New Year everyone! A little late, I know. I hope it's off to a rip roarin' start for all.
I recently became obsessed with painting horses! Yep, and I couldn't have picked a more difficult subject to paint, I might add.  It seems it takes a very tiny flick of the brush, to go from horse to dog. It's magic really...a very frustrating magic!  Anyway, I'm having fun with it anyway. I have collected a great deal of horse reference photos over the years from my outings, and in the case of the painting above, from right here in my home town. They are a very beautiful and majestic creature, and fascinating to paint.
I also recently discovered that at the end of this month is the Chinese New Year, and lo and behold, it's the year of the horse! How fitting. Perhaps explains my new obsession.
For those interested, this painting is up for auction, with an option to Buy it Now at


Diane Hoeptner said…
I like it! Such a "classic Americana" scene. I look forward to seeing more, Kaia! (I also like the process shots you took in an earlier post, fascinating!)
Kaia Thomas said…
Thanks, Diane! I appreciate the compliments and feedback! I try to take pictures during several stages of the painting. I find it interesting to share the process. It's not only interesting for others to see the unfolding, but I too enjoy going back over how I got there:)

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