New Mandala Paintings...

"Cosmic Flower"
15" x 15" acrylic on board
available here

Just finished two new mandala paintings to add to the show at the "Art with Heart" gallery in Tempe. Although these kind of paintings always manage to have a mind of their own and I find myself going along for the ride, I am happy with how they turned out.

5" x 7" acrylic on canvas
available here


M.M.E. said…
Great new works! I love the use of patterns in your work to draw the viewer in and allow us to find a sort of peace. It's wonderful to meet another artist. I hope your show goes well!
Kaia Thomas said…
It is wonderful! The internet is amazing how it can open doors to meeting people like yourself. Thank you for the sweet comments, Megan! I hope the show does well too...(cross fingers)
Malene Raun said…
Dear Kaia. I took the liberty to use you painting Interwoven (beautiful) as a companion to my writing at wordpress, I have of course credited you. If you wish, take a look:

All the best to you from Denmark, I really love your art.
Kaia Thomas said…
Thank you so much, Malene! "Shiver Dream" is a wonderful poem too!

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