Taking time out for what you love

As I was on the way home from my job this afternoon, I had an interesting experience that I thought might be worth sharing...As I looked to the south I became mesmerized by the beauty of the mountains; the way the light and shadows were playing together and the inviting warm colors of the end of a Fall, desert day. I had that welling up of inspiration to try and capture the moment.   I was tired though, it had been a long work day and I found myself saying "just go home; now is not a good time".  It was then when I suddenly saw how I continuely spoil those magical moments when I could stop and paint or sketch, by feeling that I'm not up for it or that I can do it in the future, convincing myself that I have other more important things to do. I hit the brakes and pulled over. I keep my art bag in the car with me at all times and I pulled out the sketchbook, watercolor travel kit and tripod stool to sit on. 20 minutes later I was driving down the road energized and happy, with a nothing special sketch of those mountains. The funny thing was is how it gave me a boost to do it. I wasn't tired anymore and I had made time for what I truly love doing - art. It is a tricky balance, this life. To find time for everything seems to be getting harder to do but I think it's important to remember that if your life has no joy than what's the point?! Remember to take time out for those things in life that recharge us. In my case it's art. What's yours?


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